Virtual Booth / Online ShowCase

Space is out there…

Space is out there…

Advanced to the next round…

Advanced to the next round…

AFWERX EngageSpace is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to connect with the best and brightest and see the future of the new frontier. From the 800+ teams that submitted their solutions to four space-focused AFWERX Challenges, 175+ have been selected to show off their solutions and connect with thousands of Space experts, potential government buyers, and enthusiasts from around the world.

Lyteworx was selected to participate in the AFWERX Engage Space Showcase on September 29th and 30th 2020.

The AFWERX challenge received 809 submissions. Of these, 171 advanced to showcase and our private pitch sessions. Today, this group was further narrowed to just 31 advancing solutions - yours included.

Lyteworx moves to the next round.